Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What are you so afraid of???


It is downright
astonishing the
Power of Fear.

Many people who are very bright and accomplished remain frozen in fear when it comes to major changes in their lives.

Those major changes can be something as common as changing a job or career to something much more impactful like changing a family lifestyle completely.

Such is the environment that I often find myself.  Prospective clients for my business services often are contemplating a HUGE change in their lifestyle.  While the enjoyment of their current lifestyle is being comprimised by forces outside of their control, taking control opens up many unanswered questions.

It becomes
Keeping the KNOWN Pain
rather than venturing out into the
UNKNOWN Pleasure of Change.

My job is to be the consultant and advisor to the property owner.  I can provide the key to unlock the chains of fear that are currently paralyzing a family's ability to make a decision to move.

Rest assured, I will also be honest when it is in the best interest of the property owner to stay right where they are right now.  Timing is a critical part of any decision to move and sometimes there are reasons why an owner of Houston Unrestricted property may need to wait for a more opportune time to move.

But when the time is right, there are still many things that need to be discovered before any action should be taken.  Here is a short list:

*  What is my current property value?
* Who is most qualified to help me with selling the current property?

*  Where do I want to invest my money next?
*  Can I purchase the future property with the equity of my current property?
*  What are the tax consequences of making such a move?
*  How do I maximize my profit in selling the current property?
*  What are the advantages of 1031 Exchanges?

Of course there are many, many more questions.  Each individual property owner has a separate set of questions that are vital for alleviating the fear experienced when you don't have the answers.  The questions in the mind of an investor are much different than those of a family who has raised their kids on a rural piece of property and now find themselves in a totally different place...with enormous equity, but a diminishing quality of life.

Avoid fear by doing your research. 

Check out my credentials by "googling kathi frank real estate"  or "houston unrestricted property".

Interview me for the position of marketing manager for your property.

Use your best judgment to determine if I am the best consultant to help you make decisions.

Dissapate your FEAR
Maximize your PROFIT

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Woodlands area - and Unrestricted

A lot of my blog is devoted to unrestricted property that is rural.  At least it used to be rural at one time and it might be crowded by restricted neighborhoods now.

In the Houston area there is another type of unrestricted property and it is located "smack dab in the middle" of lots of rather urban growth.  Often the property was acquired for asset growth by some visionary investor.  Other times, the land was purchased for the owner's purpose - priorities changed - and now the seller is ready to liquidate the investment.

A colleague of mine, Wilona Dyson, has a couple of lots that are between Interstate 45 and Grogans Mill.  This location, surrounded by The Woodlands, has many potential uses. 

You will find the taxes, the acquisition costs and the building restrictions much more favorable than within The Woodlands itself.

Take a look at what Wilona says about her listing.  She has two lots about 2.5 acres each.  It is a great opportunity to acquire 5 acres +/- in a easy access area, seconds away from I-45 and The Woodlands.

NOW - let's talk breifly about agency relationships.  Clearly, my colleague is representing the seller and will do everything to act in her client's best interest.

So, what that means is you need a competant agent to represent you.  Someone who knows the area, can develop a negotiating strategy, work hard to get you the property for the lowest possible price; in your best time frame; with the least possible hassle to you.

That is ME - Kathi Frank
(936) 441-1314

The reason I am sharing this information on someone else's listing is to make the point that I also represent Buyers.  Be assured that I will do my best to merit your confidence.

If you have interest in this - or any other property in the State of Texas 
I am licensed to assist you in that sale. 
(My geographical expertise is limited to the north side of Houston, but my license is not so limited.)

CALL, ask questions, "google me" to learn more about what I can do for you.
Let's be FRANK...I will work hard for YOU!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Trust the change from Houston Unrestricted Property

Sometimes you KNOW it is time
for a change...
Yet taking the next step feels precarious...
It may even feel downright DANGEROUS!

but I am here to tell you that you must


Think about the major changes in your life.  Some of the ones that felt the most scary at the time have turned out to be the ones you cherish in retrospect.  Trust that "knowing" part of yourself.  If you know it is time to change then you can be confident that the next steps will take you to greater and greater things.

If you are living on a piece of unrestricted property in the Houston area, then you are experiencing change, whether you like it or not.   Right now, the changes may be happening TO you.  You have the choice to make changes happen FOR you.

Without the help of someone who can show you the options, it may feel like you are jumping off the bridge into unknown waters.  With competant, knowledgeable consultation we can build a bridge that serves you in reaching your ultimate goals.

Many people whose quiet rural paradise is being smothered by restricted subdivisions like The Woodlands would find themselves much happier by moving farther out into the country.  Because the value of their property has increased dramatically, they now can purchase a much larger tract of land and build the new home of their dreams.

This is only one scenario, but you KNOW when it is time for a change.  I would encourage you to also know that I can help you gather all the information you need to consider the next step.  With us working together the move will no longer feel as scary and you can start building your new dream.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Perfect Location for Business near The Woodlands

Peace and Quiet
combined with
Profitable Business...

Is it even Possible???

I am pleased to announce that the answer is a resounding YES!!!

Recently, I was given the task of marketing an incredible unrestricted property just south of The Woodlands, in the Greater Houston area.  It is located on the busy (and getting busier every day) Gosling Road - at the crossroad of Rayford - and in the middle of a whirlwind of residential growth.  You can see some of our beginning marketing efforts on, MLS #9005219 or simply click on this link. 

We will soon have additional information and photos on commercial sites and other web media.  I will keep you informed.  In the meantime, let me know if you have anyone who is seeking this rare sanctuary in the midst of a fast-paced world.

Imagine a real estate buyer developing a medical complex...corporate retreat...multifamily housing...or some other business with the view of this lake as part of the amenities???  The possibilities are endless.

BONUS FEATURE:  There is currently an Ag-Exemption for the growing tree farm on the property.  Not only will this open the possibility of very low will also give a sound buffer for maintaining the tranquility.

It couldn't get any better than this!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Is the Tide Turning?

Are Things Improving?
More and More Experts Say YES!

According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, by the title of "Nabbing a Bargain-Basement Mortgage Before Rates Rise" -   a major change is about to happen in the real estate world.  This is the fourth article predicting market improvement that has caught my attention this week.  Earlier, three other articles predicted a "Turn of the Tide".

Anyone who has been THINKING ABOUT making a move would be well advised to think about the consequences of waiting.  Sure, no one really knows what is going to happen.  Sometimes it seems that you can ask the clerk down at the convenience store for economic predictions and get as dependable an answer as we get from "experts".  But true to the definition of "turning the tide", we have enough evidence now to expect drastic change soon.
From —Idiom
turn the tide, to reverse the course of events, esp. from one extreme to another:
he Battle of Saratoga turned the tide of the American Revolution.

What does that mean to you?

Perhaps nothing - If you are perfectly happy with the way things are, you can sit on the sidelines and watch things change (or not).

Perhaps many things - Opportunity is greatest in a down market.  I could spend a dozen blog posts showing evidence of people who have made their fortunes by taking bold moves in a down market.

Let's talk about your situation:

* Do you currently own a piece of unrestricted property in the Greater Houston area?
* Do you feel that you would rather have your money in something other than this property?
* Do you have dreams of operating your business on an unrestricted tract of land - maybe even living on the land until the business can economically support both a business and personal home?

Let this plentiful data from outside sources be the stimulus you need to take action. 

I know that my real estate business has been booming in and around The Woodlands this year.  People who were waiting to see the market stabilize are placing their homes on the market and buying the homes they have been wanting for a couple of years.

Business owners are re-evaluating their needs, considering expansion or re-structuring.  Commercial lenders are beginning to loosen the tight restrictions on money for the small business owner.  I believe the time has come to:
Stop Waiting and Take Action!!!

Call if I can answer any questions.  Kathi Frank (936) 441-1314

Monday, February 8, 2010

Do YOU Matter to This Crazy World???

Sometimes it seems that we are helpless to make a difference in the world. Things are changing quicker than we can even comprehend -- much less impact.

So, do we surrender to being a victim of whatever happens?

Do we leave it up to others to "do something" about it?

Shall we simply forget about changing reality in favor of "reality TV"?

Let me introduce you to Sue Thompson.

We have a pretty long history between us.  In fact, I think we have been "soul sisters" long before we met about 1997.  She moved to our area after being a successful real estate agent in Dallas.  Her high energy and vitality attracts many friends wherever she goes.

When she was checking out the new office, I suggested that she share an office with me. I confessed that many found my laughter to be too loud, my bubbly optimism to be annoying and my long conversations with clients to be downright TOO MUCH!

That invitation was the beginning of a friendship that is full of love.  You could say we have a "mutual admiration society."

Why I admire Sue...

This could be a very long blog post if I told you ALL the reasons she has my respect and let me tell you just one of them.

In 1999 Sue was team leader of our real estate company.  She was impressive in her ability to keep everyone pulling together.  She resolved conflicts quickly, motivated us to accomplish more than we would otherwise and made certain that we had a great deal of fun while doing it.  Imagine our shock when she shared her diagnosis of bone marrow cancer.

The prognosis was grim.  Doctors gave little hope and the owner of the company seemed to accept that expectation and made it harder for her to keep her position.  Everyone that loved Sue pulled together to offer anything and everything we could find to share.

I will fast-forward from that tragic experience to today.  This woman, armed with more power in her true grit than the power of the medical profession has overcome all symptoms.  An oncologist in Dallas calls her "walking miracle poster child”. 

She has taken her natural enthusiasm...her incredible story of beating cancer...and her sincere passion for helping others and created "H.O.P.E. Talks".  If you know of a group that needs inspiration, I encourage you to contact her through her website: 

How Sue feels about me...

Almost every time I talk to Sue she tells me that she tells others how much I helped her overcome cancer.  Honestly, I always ask her to tell me why.  It is not because of my fact, it is just the oposite.  I see her passion and success - yet I have trouble remembering anything I could offer to make her life any easier.

Patiently, she explains again what little thing I did that made a big difference to her.

You see, I admire Sue for her unending generosity.  She literally exudes love, caring and support to everyone she meets.  According to her story, when things seemed really bleak, I told her..."Sue, you have spent your entire life helping others.  You give and give and it is about time that you allowed others to give to you."

She tells me (and others) that a simple encouraging remark like that made a huge difference in her life.  She inspires others to recognize that an expression of love and caring can sometimes make a huge difference in the lives of others.  "You never know when the words you say can make all the world of difference in the lives of another person" says Sue.

Remember the "Highest and Best" use of your communication skills is to be encouraging, loving and positive.  You can be a mirror to them - allowing them to see how others percieve them - showing them their highest good.  We often see the goodness of others and need someone else to point out the value we bring to the world.

Live your life as a reflection of the very best that others offer.  Help them to recognize their value.  Spread "good rumors" about people.  I know it sounds a bit "Polyannish" - but I truly believe you can change the world by giving your love away.  If I am wrong, I am absolutley certain that life is more fun when you see the very best in others. 

As another friend is always saying...

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Houston Is An Experiment

Houston - Non-Zoning Tradition
is Being Watched by Many Cities

If you were to research urban-planning and the affects of zoning, you will find that Houston's Unrestricted Property is an example of economic and land use freedom that almost no other city experiences.  Feagin [1988] calls the political and economic structure a "free enterprise city".

In Buitelaar's book, The Cost of Land Use Decisions, he states that "Exercising private property rights without much public regulation has always been a key feature of urban development in Houston."  He sites three failed referenda (in 1948, 1962 and 1993) that attempted to introduce zoning.

As stated in his book, middle-income homeowners migrate toward zoning (or deed restricted property) because they believe that it will prevent undesirable externalities and preserve property values.  This is why such Master-Planned Communities as The Woodlands has experienced such growth and popularity.

Advocates of the free use of property claim that it promotes creativity and distributes physical space efficiently.  Leaving "un-claimed" land parcels unrestricted allows for individuals to follow their own individual dream for the property.  It may look like chaos.  But it is a fine expression of liberty and results in economic opportunity that is rare in other parts of the country.

As the nation begins to pull itself out of economic recession people are asking whether the lack of zoning played a part in our relatively light consequences (when compared to many other cities).  Indeed, the cities with the most regulated land use restrictions seem to be the ones that have had the largest downturn.  When there is huge amounts of "red tape" required for a developer to get a project off the ground, it naturally inhibits the natural growth of the city.  Add the fact that zoning gives the powerful interests of a city an additional tool to enforce their power - the result can stunt growth, push up prices and harm the citizens they were charged to serve.

Houston is still an experiment in land use.  Personally, I think the economic freedoms found in this area attract prosperity.  Variety is created when people have the right to chose a deed-restricted structure or a more free spirited way of life.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Houston Unrestricted Property - What does that mean???

If you were to ask the average person in The Woodlands what "Houston Unrestricted Property" means, you would likely get one of two answers. 

One answer would admit that they have absolutely no idea...they are perfectly happy in their highly restricted community and have no reason to learn about anything else.

The second answer might go like this...unrestricted property is that trashy land that you find when you leave The Woodlands.  It has trailers and industrial buildings and ramshackle homes...I have no idea why anyone would want to live there.

If you asked someone living on an unrestricted tract to define "Houston Unrestricted Property" they would tell you about the freedom, opportunity to do what they want and the breathing room to enjoy what they have paid good money to purchase.

It is ALL about FREEDOM to Them!!!

A lot is happening right now to shift people's attitude toward opportunity.  In Michael Hyatt's blog today he talked about Seth Godin’s new book, Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?  Since Godin is a "God" in the eyes of many of the nation's business leaders - I always try to listen to what he is saying.  Here is a passage that Hyatt posted in his blog after an interview with Godin:

"The linchpin is the person who takes an alternative path, who declined the take-care-of-you-bargain. The linchpin insists on making a difference, on leading, on connecting with others and doing something I call art. The linchpin is the indispensable one, the one the company can’t live without. This is about humanity, not compliance."  He explains that the take-care-of-you-bargain was made with those that were willing to trade a job for the compensation and security that was promised to them.  Since corporations are less often promising to take care of people and see them as a commodity to trade, the independant-minded folks are seeing their value rising.

I plan to talk about the independant minded owners of Houston Unrestricted Property more in future blogs.  For now, know that there are people who would never settle for living in a community where the rules are set by someone else.  Sure, they know that the decision opens them up to having "less than savory" property uses nearby...but the ability to set their own rules - well - it RULES!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Houston Unrestricted Property and Mother Earth News?

A revival of the independant minded
Baby Boomers has created a new
real estate specialization.

As increasing numbers of Baby Boomers reach retirement, many of them are not ready for the rocking chair.  They still crave the meaningful work and structure of a "job"...but as they have always done...they want to do it "MY WAY"

So, what is a vibrant, intelligent and remarkably creative person supposed to do after years of conforming to corporate structure?  Increasing numbers of this huge segment of our population are going back to their own roots.

When this generation was 20-something, they railed against the establishment and swore that they would never become a part of the corrupt corporate world.  One of their fantasy magazines was "Mother Earth News"

This magazine had pictures and stories about people who had followed the lyrics of the famous Joni Mitchell song that said  "Got to get back to the garden."  They dreamed of having the ability and courage to get closer to the earth and live a simpler life.

NOW - with the assistance of a retirement income from the corporate conformity for endless years - they are getting back to the garden in droves.  They have merged the business savvy learned in the corporate world with the fantasy of their youth.

Armed with the ability to budget, strategize and follow the plan these "Just Older Youth" are creating micro-gardens to sell at Farmers Markets all around Houston.  They are making cheese, growing olive trees to make olive oil, raising organic beef, cultivating herb gardens and all sorts of profitable businesses.  I go to the suburban farmers market in The Woodlands in the spring and fall seasons and I love it.

Houston unrestricted property can be as small as an acre or two and can offer the lifestyle portrayed in the "Mother Earth News".  If you have been looking for a way to expand your lifestyle during retirement, maybe it is time to heed Joni Mitchell's advice and get back to the garden. 

I can help all the real estate buyers who seek this lifestyle - so call and lets talk.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Wall Street Journal Video on Real Estate Market

Today's real estate market (particularly the market for Houston unrestricted property) is more hyper-local than ever before. Although it is interesting to hear what the "experts" say on the national level - those of us who are "in the local trenches" can produce statistics useful to you and your particular property.

Let me know if you need an update on the market where you live.

3 Motivations for Selling Your Houston Unrestricted Property in 2010

#1 - Property Taxes are Killing Your Budget?

There may have been a time when your property was extremely rural.  You lived a life of freedom and enjoyed every moment of being out in the country.

YOU have not moved - But everything has changed! 
Everyone wants a piece of the idyllic world that you used to love so much.  In addition to the traffic - the seemingly pretentious deed-restricted communities nearby - and the incessant noise ---- the government now thinks that you now have something so valuable that they can increase your taxes.

You didn't ask for any of this "growth" - yet the fact that you have land near property that someone else thought was more valuable has caused your tax assessment to explode. Maybe it is time to move out farther to get away from this intrusion. There are communities within driving distance of Houston that still have reasonable tax rates.

#2 - You are tired of the constant work to maintain the property

Most people who own unresticted property in the Greater Houston area have a full-time job too.  Often, the unrestricted tract of land demands another full-time commitment to simply keep the trees trimmed, all the buildings maintained, and if you have horses (or other livestock) you have a huge responsibility to take care of the needs of this kind of lifestyle.

Sure, it is usually worth the effort. The rewards are wonderful and immeasurable. But often the time comes when the benefits of such a lifestyle are simply not worth all the pain and sacrifice of the never-ending maintainence.

#3 - It is Time to Pick up the CASH and Get On with Your Life.

Life changes, and so do your needs.

Many people have lost jobs, been "downsized" - or often worse - have a self-employed business that is suffering from tough times.  When you are in the middle of crisis it can be hard to see the options that are available to you.

Many owners of Houston unrestricted property have the ability to transform the hardships of this lifestyle into a great source of profit. There are many reasons why 2010 may be the perfect opportunity to cash-in this asset.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Restricted and Unrestricted Communities Clash!

Houston Unrestricted Property Clashes
with Deed-Restricted Neighbors.

There are many differences between a "Restricted" community and "Unrestricted" property.  This blog is committed to opening the conversation about such differences.  However, purchasing your home or building lot in a restricted community does not give you all the protections you may have expected.

This photo was taken on FM 2978, the road that runs along the most western side of The Woodlands.  The lot is usually muddy.  The highlight of the property is the large, dimpled and damaged dumpster.  And to the back of the lot, you can see the only plumbing facility...and it is portable.  While the seller of the property is maximizing his right to the "Highest and Best" use of the property until a buyer is found - the situation is not good for everyone.

The sad fact is that the "port-a-potty" is placed very close to a really nice house that you can see through the narrow strip of trees.  Can you see it in the background of the picture above?

When you come around to the other side, this is the home of some unsuspecting family.  Little did they know that the hard work done to create a great, private place in the restricted community of Westwood would become the backdrop for the metal roofed shed you can see beyond the trees from here.

This is one SCREAMING EXAMPLE of how quickly a real estate investment can become worth much less because of the actions of others.  Please know - I do not know the owners of either property.  But I would be willing to bet that the proud people who built this home did not anticipate having a muddy, unsightly commercial tract in their back yard.

Can this kind of financial mistake be avoided? The answer is YES!

One of the many things I have learned from decades serving real estate clients is that purchasing property on the perimeter of a restricted community can often expose the buyer to the risks of unrestricted property.  I spoke about those risks in a previous post, "3 Huge Pitfalls of Unrestricted Property", on November 28, 2009.  Although I am a champion for the benefits of owning Houston unrestricted property, I will be the first to tell you that there are HUGE mistakes that can easily be made by the inexperienced buyer.