Monday, February 8, 2010

Do YOU Matter to This Crazy World???

Sometimes it seems that we are helpless to make a difference in the world. Things are changing quicker than we can even comprehend -- much less impact.

So, do we surrender to being a victim of whatever happens?

Do we leave it up to others to "do something" about it?

Shall we simply forget about changing reality in favor of "reality TV"?

Let me introduce you to Sue Thompson.

We have a pretty long history between us.  In fact, I think we have been "soul sisters" long before we met about 1997.  She moved to our area after being a successful real estate agent in Dallas.  Her high energy and vitality attracts many friends wherever she goes.

When she was checking out the new office, I suggested that she share an office with me. I confessed that many found my laughter to be too loud, my bubbly optimism to be annoying and my long conversations with clients to be downright TOO MUCH!

That invitation was the beginning of a friendship that is full of love.  You could say we have a "mutual admiration society."

Why I admire Sue...

This could be a very long blog post if I told you ALL the reasons she has my respect and let me tell you just one of them.

In 1999 Sue was team leader of our real estate company.  She was impressive in her ability to keep everyone pulling together.  She resolved conflicts quickly, motivated us to accomplish more than we would otherwise and made certain that we had a great deal of fun while doing it.  Imagine our shock when she shared her diagnosis of bone marrow cancer.

The prognosis was grim.  Doctors gave little hope and the owner of the company seemed to accept that expectation and made it harder for her to keep her position.  Everyone that loved Sue pulled together to offer anything and everything we could find to share.

I will fast-forward from that tragic experience to today.  This woman, armed with more power in her true grit than the power of the medical profession has overcome all symptoms.  An oncologist in Dallas calls her "walking miracle poster child”. 

She has taken her natural enthusiasm...her incredible story of beating cancer...and her sincere passion for helping others and created "H.O.P.E. Talks".  If you know of a group that needs inspiration, I encourage you to contact her through her website: 

How Sue feels about me...

Almost every time I talk to Sue she tells me that she tells others how much I helped her overcome cancer.  Honestly, I always ask her to tell me why.  It is not because of my fact, it is just the oposite.  I see her passion and success - yet I have trouble remembering anything I could offer to make her life any easier.

Patiently, she explains again what little thing I did that made a big difference to her.

You see, I admire Sue for her unending generosity.  She literally exudes love, caring and support to everyone she meets.  According to her story, when things seemed really bleak, I told her..."Sue, you have spent your entire life helping others.  You give and give and it is about time that you allowed others to give to you."

She tells me (and others) that a simple encouraging remark like that made a huge difference in her life.  She inspires others to recognize that an expression of love and caring can sometimes make a huge difference in the lives of others.  "You never know when the words you say can make all the world of difference in the lives of another person" says Sue.

Remember the "Highest and Best" use of your communication skills is to be encouraging, loving and positive.  You can be a mirror to them - allowing them to see how others percieve them - showing them their highest good.  We often see the goodness of others and need someone else to point out the value we bring to the world.

Live your life as a reflection of the very best that others offer.  Help them to recognize their value.  Spread "good rumors" about people.  I know it sounds a bit "Polyannish" - but I truly believe you can change the world by giving your love away.  If I am wrong, I am absolutley certain that life is more fun when you see the very best in others. 

As another friend is always saying...

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