Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What are you so afraid of???


It is downright
astonishing the
Power of Fear.

Many people who are very bright and accomplished remain frozen in fear when it comes to major changes in their lives.

Those major changes can be something as common as changing a job or career to something much more impactful like changing a family lifestyle completely.

Such is the environment that I often find myself.  Prospective clients for my business services often are contemplating a HUGE change in their lifestyle.  While the enjoyment of their current lifestyle is being comprimised by forces outside of their control, taking control opens up many unanswered questions.

It becomes
Keeping the KNOWN Pain
rather than venturing out into the
UNKNOWN Pleasure of Change.

My job is to be the consultant and advisor to the property owner.  I can provide the key to unlock the chains of fear that are currently paralyzing a family's ability to make a decision to move.

Rest assured, I will also be honest when it is in the best interest of the property owner to stay right where they are right now.  Timing is a critical part of any decision to move and sometimes there are reasons why an owner of Houston Unrestricted property may need to wait for a more opportune time to move.

But when the time is right, there are still many things that need to be discovered before any action should be taken.  Here is a short list:

*  What is my current property value?
* Who is most qualified to help me with selling the current property?

*  Where do I want to invest my money next?
*  Can I purchase the future property with the equity of my current property?
*  What are the tax consequences of making such a move?
*  How do I maximize my profit in selling the current property?
*  What are the advantages of 1031 Exchanges?

Of course there are many, many more questions.  Each individual property owner has a separate set of questions that are vital for alleviating the fear experienced when you don't have the answers.  The questions in the mind of an investor are much different than those of a family who has raised their kids on a rural piece of property and now find themselves in a totally different place...with enormous equity, but a diminishing quality of life.

Avoid fear by doing your research. 

Check out my credentials by "googling kathi frank real estate"  or "houston unrestricted property".

Interview me for the position of marketing manager for your property.

Use your best judgment to determine if I am the best consultant to help you make decisions.

Dissapate your FEAR
Maximize your PROFIT

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